The end of fake likes and followers on Instagram


The Instagram algorithm is increasingly intriguing. What if we took a closer look?

Advancing at lightning speed, social networks have gone from entertainment to a profession that can bring in several thousand euros to people who have decided to make a living from it. From there, a whole phenomenon has emerged, it is about “influencers”.

In just a few years, their audience has grown at lightning speed, making them partners of choice, sometimes even luxury, with brands and advertisers wishing to promote the marketing of services or products buy followers. To this end, these young people who have succeeded in creating committed communities around them, convey an image that makes the brands and the biggest investors dream. And for good reason! These content creators have thousands, if not millions of people who follow them on a daily basis, who are naturally influenced by what they post. It sounds good: an influencer makes money in exchange for advertising and creating content for brands. These in turn make an interesting turnover thanks to subscribers, otherwise called Followers, who buy the products. But we must believe that behind the scenes of social networks, especially Instagram, are not always all pink.

Several surveys have been carried out and have shown that several accounts are buying fake subscribers! What nonsense! What a betrayal! Or almost! Why take the risk when you can buy real targeted and real Instagram likes at

Among the accounts that you follow regularly, there should surely be a few whose subscriber count is just plain wrong to avoid buying followers. Thus, many Instagram accounts record staggering figures, but they do not necessarily represent the engagement of real active people.

From fake likes to fake followers, all subterfuge is allowed to fool brands or agencies. Indeed, buying real followers on Instagram is not easy given the many poorly designed apps that randomly boost accounts. You can therefore find a French account with thousands of Chinese, Hindu, or Mexican followers. These people obviously do not share any interest with the influencer bought 1000 followers. In this case, the latter is only interested in numbers in order to attract brands claiming to have a real community to be paid.

Despite the tempting nature of greed, this practice violates Instagram's terms of service. Thus, all those who have invested in the purchase of fake followers will be disillusioned to learn of the implementation of a new moderation algorithm that is able to detect problematic elements relating to user accounts. If you are one of those who would like to increase their visibility, consider buying real followers on Instagram.

Buying real Instagram followers to buy followers bring value to your is practical which cannot necessarily penalize you, because your community will be in line with your geographical location and your editorial line. For example, if you are French, you should think about buying French likes on, this guarantees authenticity in your approach.

The solution for buying real Instagram followers

In recent months, Instagram has been sorting out the suspicious accounts that have used bots that help increase the number of subscribers automatically and above all, randomly. That said, the platform bringing together several million subscribers is now reacting by blocking access to these third-party applications, which violate the terms of use. So you have been warned! Avoid all suspicious sites that offer fake followers and fake likes. Thus, digital marketers are convinced that visual content on the Internet can make a big difference to brands buying likes or followers.

To bring visibility to an Instagram account, tools must be put in place to achieve your respective goals. Buying French likes on gives you easy control of your target ensuring genuine interaction. To this end, by trading often, this will allow you to keep them for the long term. So, before purchasing any questionable service, think twice before you start, as the penalty can be quite heavy, resulting in the permanent deletion of your account.

Buy real targeted and real Instagram likes at

It is clear that this universe of Instagram makes more than one dream since many people make a living from it and land very important contracts with big brands. In the event that you are hesitant to get started or are already in the process, but you just can't seem to get your account off the ground, buying real Instagram followers can potentially open up a lot of doors in your domain of predilection.

Don't be one of these fake influencers! Stand out, create a real audience that you will be proud of. Buying real Instagram followers on is the solution we offer you to be one of the most-followed people on this essential network.

From an ethical point of view: you are only boosting your online visibility in a smart and authentic way read more.

From now on, making a purchase from real Instagram followers will have no secrets for you!


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