The 7 reasons to stop buying fake followers for your Instagram account

You launch your Instagram account or you want to boost it. You may be tempted to resort to buying followers from fake accounts. It may seem like a good, quick, and convenient option to achieve your brand awareness goal. However, we must absolutely avoid buying such followers or subscribers. You will surely see your number of followers increase quickly but in a short time, these fake accounts linked to your profile can cause you real trouble.

Reason # 1: Profiles are fake and inactive

Are you investing in buying followers and think they will boost your profile? Make no mistake: Profiles are not real and are not designed by real individuals. Robots often hide there. The message you want to communicate via the social network therefore has completely zero effect. How do you recognize false profiles? It's very easy! They usually do not contain a profile picture and do not share or create any posts to buy followers. Your account will have hundreds or even thousands of followers but you will not have any additional likes or views. Your actual followers may even come to think that the content you are offering is not interesting and will no longer follow you

Reason # 2: Comments can be suspicious and inappropriate

When fake accounts produce activity, it is often inappropriate. For example, you might receive a large number of likes on a post, but no comments on that same post, which sounds fishy. Another possible cause: the publication of comments from fake followers in an incomprehensible language or grammar. The commentary is therefore illegible, unnecessary, and ineffective. In the event that the comment is understandable and written in an appropriate language, buying likes or followers it is generated by a robot broadcasting generic comments and will be posted in a completely offbeat context.

Reason 3: quantity of subscribers does not equate to quality

Have you created an Instagram profile in order to get noticed by brands and form partnerships? Many brands know full well that the number of subscribers that appear on an account does not equate to a qualitative and authoritative profile buying an audience. They prefer small influencers with a very responsive community of a few thousand followers. Ultimately, the engagement rate of subscribers takes precedence over their number. These are engaged and participatory subscribers who help attract prospects

Reason # 4: fake accounts quickly disappear from your followers

I created my Instagram profile and it doesn't take off. I only count on a small base of a few hundred subscribers and that is not enough for me. To increase this number, I simply and quickly order a large volume of followers and a package of fake likes so as not to have a large account without likes, which could damage my credibility. I see the volume of subscribers increasing day by day and my photos are getting more and more likes. The exciting nature of this situation is however short-lived: just a few weeks after the purchase, the number of followers begins to plummet and the purchased accounts disappear from the platform. They are no longer used for anything, except to harm my account as explained previously.

Reason # 5: Instagram may apply penalties

At the time of the explosion of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, algorithms made it possible to benefit and highlight the most followed profiles and with the most subscribers. This is what led to the growing practice of buying fake followers. Algorithms have now evolved and the politics of these social networks have hardened. Instagram is opposed to the practice of fake accounts and is implementing a strategy of deleting fake profiles. This is explicitly stated in the terms of use, and detection techniques are developed to update fraudsters. In addition, a visitor or other user of the network can directly report a suspicious account to the platform to avoid buying followers. This type of reporting is on the increase today and allows Instagram to carry out more and more checks. If the network notices a large number of fake accounts among your subscribers, you can be penalized by a drastic decrease in the number of your subscribers or even the total withdrawal of your account. Like SEO, social networks want quality content and real activity based on authenticity, user protection, and improved user experience.

Reason 6: your brand image will not come out unscathed

Social networks have changed the way we communicate. It has almost become mandatory to have an account on a network like Instagram in order to be known, seen, and followed. But don't rush headlong into a strategy that will hurt you over time. When your real followers or customers realize that you have bought fake followers, they may feel like they have been lured and may lose their trust in your brand. Any information or content disseminated can then sow doubts concerning its veracity to read more. The only real good strategy is to gradually acquire real Instagram followers.

Reason 7: Today it is possible to buy real subscribers and real likes!

The real problem with fake accounts and fake followers isn't so much their superficiality as the fact that they don't generate likes or comments. In short, they are empty and do not interact. However, it is now possible to invest in real subscribers, offering effective content, and preserving its reputation and visibility. The basic goal is fulfilled: obtaining natural likes and profile views. Business example, is a leader in its field by offering since 2012 real and targeted French Instagram likes. The service provided is secure, reliable, and based on confidentiality. Orders are processed manually, unlike automated purchases from fake subscriber accounts. For a very competitive price, you can get all the features of Instagram in a completely controlled way. Subscriber accounts are unique and stay in your community for the long haul. They don't go away after two months. Every time new content is posted, they like it, to increase the popularity of your account.


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